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Aditi ‘s Three Minute Thesis

Healing Bone Using Spices

Bone health issues, such as osteoporosis and bone cancer, affect millions worldwide, with a bone fracture occurring every three seconds according to WHO statistics. Current treatments are not only costly but also heavily impact patient quality of life. In contrast to conventional medical treatments, this study investigates the therapeutic potential of everyday spices such as turmeric and oregano found in our kitchens, which have substantial yet often overlooked health benefits and could serve as preventive measures. The primary bioactive compounds in these spices, curcumin from turmeric and carvacrol from oregano, are well-documented for their anti-cancer, antibacterial, and antioxidant effects on various tissues but their impact on bone health is underexplored.

This study focuses on merging these natural medicinal compounds with 3D printing technology to forge a tailored approach to bone defect treatments. Through a combination of in vitro and in vivo studies, we investigate the synergistic effects of these phytochemicals and their interaction with cellular materials. The findings reveal that these compounds not only promote the proliferation of osteoblast cells, which are crucial for bone formation, but also exhibit toxicity towards osteosarcoma, bacterial, and osteoclast cells. By embedding these natural compounds into scaffolds created with 3D printers, using materials like calcium phosphate, we propose a novel, cost-effective treatment for bone defects. This research could mark a pivotal step towards a more accessible and less invasive treatment modality for bone-related ailments.

[Bio coming soon.]